by Michael Many
I’m a White Sox fan. Or at least right now, I’m a Blackhawks
fan who supports the baseball club known as the Chicago White Sox. Because I am
a White Sox fan, and because this team was relatively unchanged from a 2012
campaign that saw them go 85-77, I thought that a few additions, the
improvement of a few young players, and a bit of luck would
result in a similar season as 2012. Here’s what I wrote in my preview back
before the season started:
“There are a lot of
things that need to go well for the Sox to compete, and the very real
possibility that things go all Walter White and break bad. The key pieces for the Sox
are pretty straightforward. Keep Sale, Peavy, and Floyd healthy, and receive
some starting pitching support from any combination of Q, Santiago, Axel Rose,
and Johnny Danks. Get Adam Dunn a bit higher over the Mendoza Line. Keep the
Tank moving forward as he blows through enemy lines (pitching staffs).[…] I
think this will be a solid White Sox team, and with the veteran leadership in
the clubhouse and Robin at the helm, they will compete every day.”
After the Sox lost their 8th game in a row
yesterday, dropping from 24-24 to 24-32 over that span, I realized that I was
kind of right and kind of wrong in my prediction. Unfortunately, I was kind of
right about the fact that there are a lot of things that need to go well, and I
was kind of right that things could break bad. And I was kind of wrong that
they would compete every day. So let’s see what’s caused this team to go from
quietly hopeful in April to utterly unwatchable in June.